The relaxed nature of the pair - she waving to the camera, he draining the last gulp from what appears to be a bottle of beer - has led many to believe the image is just a prank by an opportunistic couple who spotted an approaching Google Street View camera car. Or, they could just be cheerful exhibitionists.
In any case, Google has taken the precaution of entirely blurring the couple in images on that stretch of the Dukes Highway in South Australia. You can see the original image above by sliding your cursor over the image. As astute readers will no doubt notice, it doesn't look like these two are actually bumping uglies down under. But the guy does appear to have a beer, so he's got that going for him (hopefully he's not the one driving).
Sometimes Google catches actual intimate acts that weren't meant to be seen, like this gentleman who was caught apparently getting manual stimulation from a sex professional.
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