The actor’s WB dud The Incredible Burt Wonderstone landed with a thud earlier this month. Maybe a return to his In Living Color sketch comedy heyday is in order. Watch Jim Carrey skewer anti-gun control advocates and tackle multiple characters, including late NRA head Charlton Heston, in Funny Or Die‘s Cold Dead Hand With Jim Carrey. He next stars in Universal’s August sequel The character leads a band called The Clutterbusters, as they perform their song "Cold Dead Hand," which is a reference to a famous National Rifle Association slogan, "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." Carrey's band is made of of people dressed as Mahatma Ghandhi, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln, who were all killed by guns.Carrey went back to tweeting about gun control Monday morning, informing his followers that his bodyguard doesn't carry clips that hold one hundred bullets, before writing, "I get it. U don't wnt 2 be told wht to do. So mch so tht u may support wht u know in your heart is wrong. Thn u feel guilty n angry abt it." For the record, Carrey's next movie is "Kick-Ass 2," which released a trailer loaded with guns and violence. In fact, Carey himself wields a gun in the clip.
Red State's John Hayward writes, "The conversation Jim Carrey wants to have — the one where he hides behind his armed bodyguards, rakes in millions by shooting prop guns in motion pictures, and hurls vile insults at everyone who resists a level of personal vulnerability he would never accept — should never even begin, because what he wants to take away from the unwashed masses is not his to take."
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